Galloping All-round Costs of Iraq War
By—Girish Mishra
Marx once remarked: “War in direct economic terms is just the
same as if a nation cast part of its capital into water.” After
many decades, once again, the validity of this statement has
been underlined by the invasion and occupation of Iraq by the
US-led coalition. A period of more than five years has elapsed,
yet there is no sign of freedom, democracy and prosperity as
promised to the Iraqi people. In fact, the invasion and
continued occupation has brought enormous devastation of this
ancient country, nor has it done any good even to the people of
America and its coalition partners. This has been analyzed at
length in a recently published book, The Three Trillion Dollar
War, by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes.
No way, this book can be ignored by terming it as mere
propaganda. Among its authors is Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel
laureate in economics, who once headed the team of economic
advisers to President Clinton and then became chief economist at
the World Bank. His books have been widely read and discussed
all over the world. Linda Bilmes teaches at the Harvard
University and was once a high ranking official in the Clinton
administration looking after financial and commercial affairs.
At the time of American invasion of Iraq, the Bush
administration gave out that its aim was to liberate the Iraqi
people from the clutches of Saddam Hussein, giving them freedom
and democracy and putting them onto the path of happiness and
prosperity and, this mission would cost just $50-$60 billion.
Lawrence B. Lindsey, then economic adviser to Bush, dared
challenge this figure as an underestimation and he was thrown
out of his job. He had predicted that the cost might be
somewhere from $100 to $200 billion. To quote Lindsey, “My
hypothetical estimate got the annual cost about right. But I
misjudged an important factor: how long we would be involved.”
Five years after his ouster, he believes that “one of the
reasons the administration’s efforts are so unpopular that they
chose not to engage in an open public discussion of what the
consequences might be, including the economic cost.”
Just three months after the invasion, The Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace came out with its Policy Brief (no.24, May
2003), “Lessons from the Past: The American Record on Nation
Building.” The very opening paragraph said: “The real test for
the success of the U.S. preemptive war against the regime of
Saddam Hussein is whether or not Iraq can now be rebuilt after
the war. Few national undertakings are as complex, costly, and
time consuming as reconstructing the governing institutions of
foreign societies. Even a combination of unsurpassed military
power and abundant wealth does not guarantee success, let alone
quick results. Historically, nation-building attempts by outside
powers are notably mainly for their bitter disappointments, not
their triumphs.”
The authors of the Policy Brief—Minxin Pei and Sara
Kasper—pointed out that the United States, till then, had used
its armed forces in foreign lands on more than 200 occasions and
its nation-building record had been utterly dismal. What they
said has proved to be prophetic: “The internal characteristics
of Iraqi society will severely test Washington’s resolve, skill,
and patience in pursuing its declared goal of political
transformation. With a population of 24 million, Iraq is larger
than any of the Latin American countries where the United States
has attempted nation building.” With its deep ethnic divisions,
the internal situation would be too complicated for the
Americans to deal with. “Outside efforts to bridge such ethnic
and religious divisions through reconciliation have a poor track
record—as has been demonstrated in the former Yugoslavia.” It
would be extremely difficult “to align U.S. strategic interests
with those of the Iraqi elite and public.”
Warning the hawks in the Bush administration, the authors said,
“they should reconsider their position in light of the sobering
lessons from American nation building during the past century.
Aside from an overall low rate of success, such unilateral
undertakings have led to the creation and maintenance surrogate
regimes that have eventually mutated into military dictatorships
and corrupt autocracies. Repeating these mistakes in Iraq,
especially after President Bush’s declaration of American
resolve to build democracy there, would be a tragedy for the
Iraqi people and a travesty of American democratic ideals.”
Stiglitz and Bilmes have come out with a mass of data in their
three hundred and odd page book, underlining that Pei and Kasper
were perfectly right and Bush and his team completely wrong in
going ahead with their criminal act of invading and devastating
Iraq. In the process, they have harmed the very American people
that entrusted them with the reins of the state. Stiglitz and
Bilmes correctly assert: “By now it is clear that the U.S.
invasion of Iraq was a terrible mistake. Nearly 4,000 U.S.
troops have been killed, and more than 58,000 have been wounded,
injured, or fallen seriously ill… One hundred thousand U.S.
soldiers have returned from the war suffering from mental health
disorders, a significant fraction of which will be chronic
afflictions. Miserable though Saddam Hussein’s regime was, life
is actually worse for the Iraqi people now. The country’s roads,
schools, hospitals, homes, and museums have been destroyed and
its citizens have less access to electricity and water than
before the war. Sectarian violence is rife. Iraq’s chaos has
made the country a magnet for terrorists of all stripes. The
notion that invading Iraq would bring democracy and catalyze
change in the Middle East now seems like a fantasy. When the
full price of the war has been paid, trillions of dollars will
have been added to our national debt. Invading Iraq has also
driven up oil prices. In these and other ways, the war has
weakened our economy.”
Till now, America has spent $600 billion on Iraq war. Stiglitz
and Bilmes have calculated, after taking into account both
direct and indirect, open and hidden, expenses and assuming that
the war is going to last a bit longer, that it will cost $3
trillion or, maybe, $4 trillion. Countering the argument that
this is a very small sum for the largest economy in the world,
they say, “The issue is not whether America can afford three
trillion dollars. With a typical American household income in
2006 just short of $70,000, we have far more than we need to get
by. Even if we threw 10 percent of that away, we would still be
no worse off than we were in 1995—when we were a prosperous and
well-off country. There is no risk that a trillion dollars or
two or three will bankrupt the country. The relevant question is
a rather different one: What could we have done with a trillion
dollars or two or three? What have we had to sacrifice? What is,
to use the economists’ jargon, the opportunity cost?”
The opportunity cost of the Iraq war has been enormous. With the
money being spent on Iraq war, America could have easily solved
its social security problem at least for the next half a
century. With one trillion dollars, it could have constructed as
many as 8 million new dwelling units, employed 13 million more
school teachers, provided elementary education to 120 million
kids or health insurance to 530 million children for one year or
granted scholarships to 43 million students for four years.
Multiply these figures by 3 and you get the opportunity cost of
$3 trillion to be gobbled up by the Iraq war. In a recent
article in The Guardian (April 6), Stiglitz and Bilmes, while
refuting Bush’s claim that the $3 trillion dollar estimate of
the total cost may be exaggerated, assert that it is “in fact,
conservative. Even the president would have to admit that the
$50 to $60 billion estimate given by the administration before
the war was wildly off the mark; there is little reason to have
confidence in their arithmetic. They admit to a cost so far of
$600 billion.”
Explaining why their estimates are different, they state: “Our
numbers differ from theirs for three reasons: first, we are
estimating the total cost of the war, under alternative
conservative scenarios, derived from the defence department and
congressional budget office. We are not looking at McCain’s
100-year scenario- we assume that we are there, in the
diminished strength, only through to 2017. But neither are we
looking at a scenario that sees our troops pulled out within six
months. With operational spending going on at $12 billion a
month, and with every year costing more than the last, it is
easy to come to a total operational cost that is double the $600
billion already spent.
“Second, we include war expenditures hidden elsewhere in the
budget, and budgetary expenditures that we would have to incur
in the future even if we left tomorrow. Most important of these
are future costs of caring for the 40%of returning veterans that
are likely to suffer from disabilities (in excess of $600
billion; second world war veterans’ costs didn’t peak until
1993), and restoring the military to its prewar strength. If you
include interest, and interest on the interest – with all of the
war debt financed – the budgetary costs quickly mount.
“Finally, our $3 trillion dollars estimate also includes costs
to the economy that go beyond the budget, for instance, the cost
of caring for the huge number of returning disabled veterans
that go beyond the costs borne by the federal government – in
one out of five families with a serious disability, someone has
to give up a job. The macro-economic costs are even larger.
Almost every expert we have talked to agrees that the war has
had something to do with the rise in the price of oil; it was
not just an accident that oil prices began to soar at the same
time as the war began.”
The Iraq war has adversely impacted not only the two sides
involved in it but also the world at large, especially the
developing nations. As a result of the war, while the demand for
oil has increased, its supply has declined as the production in
Iraq has declined. At the time of the invasion of Iraq, oil was
selling $25 a barrel but now it can be had for around$100 a
barrel. In the years to come, it may go up to $125 a barrel. The
increasing price of oil has strengthened inflationary pressures
around the world. Besides, the production of ethanol and other
bio-fuels is being undertaken by diverting corn, sugarcane,
soybeans and other crops to it. This, in turn, contributes to
the worldwide growing shortage of food grains and pushes up the
prices. The higher oil prices have inflicted a direct cost to
the world economy to the tune of roughly $1.1 trillion.
Since the beginning of the Iraq war, America’s national debt has
gone up by $2.5 trillion, out of which $1 trillion has been due
to the Iraq war. Bush, after coming to power, reduced the tax
liabilities of the upper income group people. It means the
burden of meeting the war expenditures has fallen more on the
people at large. By 2017, it is estimated that the national debt
will increase by $2 trillion.
There are other adverse consequences that defy quantification.
For example, the morale of the troops is very low, there is a
shortage of wherewithal and there is a nationwide discontent
because of insufficient attention to the wounded soldiers. So
far as the Iraqis are concerned, more than a million people have
perished. There is no law and order worth the name. Anarchy
reins supreme. As many as 45 per cent of the families in Baghdad
have lost their one or more members. There is a large-scale
displacement of the population. To quote Stiglitz and Bilmes,
“In human terms, it is the loss of life and the destruction of
Iraqi society that is the most egregious…
“For most Iraqis, daily life has become unbearable—to the point
that those who can afford to leave their country have done so.
By September 2007, a stunning 4.6 million people—one of every
seven Iraqis—had been uprooted from their homes. This is the
largest migration of people in the Middle East since the
creation of Israel in 1948.”
As many as 2.4 million Iraqis have migrated to foreign lands,
especially Syria and Jordan, who are also feeling the strain. In
all 20 per cent of the pre-war population is displaced. Those
who are left behind have neither drinking water nor electricity.
Schools and colleges do not function because most of the
teachers have either fled or been killed. Hospitals suffer from
lack of beds, doctors, nursing staff and medicines.
Iraq’s museums have been looted and historical treasures have
been taken away. Valuable manuscripts have been lost, stolen or
destroyed. Christopher Hitchens says of Baghdad: “This is one of
the greatest centres of learning and culture in history. It was
here that some of the lost works of Aristotle and other Greeks…
were preserved, retranslated, and transmitted via Andalusia back
to the the ignorant “Christian” West.” Naomi Klein, in her “The
Shock Doctrine,” has given the details of the plunder and has
also narrated how Iraqi economy has been destroyed to make it
pasture for the MNCs.
Girish Mishra,
E-mail: gmishra@girishmishra.com